“Where Tendring Council leads, I am happy to follow” declared Minister Eric Pickles.
Recently during question time in the Commons, Douglas Carswell MP asked Communities and Local Government secretary Erik Pickles
“What steps his Department has taken to increase transparency in local government and departmental spending.”
Mr Pickles said that he had asked every council to publish spending over £500, a practice followed by his own department as well.
Douglas pressed the minister further, asking “Will my right honourable Friend join me in congratulating and applauding Tendring District Council, which has decided not only to publish items over £500, but to publish all items of expenditure every month?”
“This has created a climate of thrift that has allowed it to cut council tax. Will he ensure that Whitehall departments, agencies and quangos take similar steps?”
Mr Pickles replied, “I am happy to join my honourable Friend in congratulating Tendring. The council did not make the headlines for many years, but suddenly it has started coming up with lots of new initiatives.”
“It is certainly in the forefront of transparency, and where Tendring leads, I am more than happy to follow.”